
Buhari Reappoints Goni As CG Of NPS For Another 5 Years

President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the renewal of the appointment of Dr Ibrahim Goni as the Conservator-General of the National Park Service for another term of 5 years with effective from 10th May 2022.

In a letter No. FMENV/ADM/199/T/188 dated 19th May, 2022 conveying the presidential approval , Minister of Environment, Barr Mohammed Hassan Abdullahi congratulated Dr Goni and wished him more fruitful tenure in office.

Barr. Abdullahi further stated that, “Your appointment is in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 (2d) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).

Dr. Goni was first appointed as Conservator-General of the National Park Service in April, 2017.

Amongst others, the achievements recorded by Dr. Goni in his first term in office include the establishment of 10 additional National Parks across the country and the total renovation of the Service Headquarters’ building, renovation of existing rangers barracks, chalets and building of new ones in the Parks.

Others are the demarcation and provision of beacons at the parks’ boundaries to maintain the integrity of the Parks’ ecosytems, and the opening of more jeep tracks across the Parks to improve ecological tourism. (END)

Saghir el Mohammed
Director Press
Federal Ministry of Environment

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