
PEPC: Be Wary Of Agent Provocateurs, Group Warns

As the Nigerians await the judgment of the Presidential Election Petition Court today, a civil rights group, National Observatory, has warned of the antics of agent provocateurs who may want to use the situation to unleash mayhem on innocent people.

The group in an email sent to Newsnow on Tuesday said that since the PEPC is not the final arbiter, people should not get into a frency, whatever the outcome of today’s ruling.

In a statement issued by Comrade Debo Adedayo and Saint Omataje, President and Administrative Secretary of National Observatory, respectively, hinted that people should be sensitise not to yield to the desire of those who want the country to burn.

Below is the full test of the statement


Tomorrow,(today) 6th September 2023, the Presidential Elections Petitions Tribunal is expected to deliver its judgement on the February 25, 2023, Presidential polls declared by Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC to have been worn by Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

It is expected that all Nigerians across divides, irrespective of hues, garbs, ethnic, religious, gender, partisan and social status cleavages must put on best attires as members of global, civilized, democratic society on whatever directions the Tribunal’s judgement goes.

According to a press release by the Registrar, Court of Appeal, Mr. Umar Bangari, the verdict shall be televised live by Nigerian broadcasting stations. The tribunals composed of five respected judges – Justices Haruna Simon Tsammani, (Chairperson), Stephen Adali, Mistura Bolaji-YusufBolokoiromo Ugo and Abba Muhammed would deliver the verdict.

Judgements are expected in three cases involving Allied Peoples’ Movement, APM vs. Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC and Four others; Peter Obi, Labour Party vs. Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC and Three others; and Atiku Abubarkar, Peoples’ Democratic Party vs. Independent National Electoral Commission and Two others.

This electoral litigation has been attended by a lot of rancorous stormy campaigns by supporters of the parties in the matter before the Tribunal.

There have been allegations of attempts by individuals ‘conscripted’ to draft judgement, influence outcome of the verdict, as if the revered judges are neophytes in legal adjudications. Subtle campaigns have been made to intimidate the judiciary with publicity campaign stunts of ‘All Eyes on the Judiciary’. This has made some special analysts submit that the judiciary has been subjected to a BokoHaram-like terrorist attacks on accounts of the presidential elections’ disputations.

However, a notable human rights campaigner and legal luminary, Mr. Femi Falana, SAN has clearly guided that there is nothing to be apprehensive about as the Tribunal is not the final arbiter on the case, there is constitutional provisions for appeal to the Supreme Court.

Falana opines that the Judiciary is facing unprecedented blackmail and intimidation over the Presidential petitions, he stated in an interview that, “… as they say, even if the heavens will fall and the heavens won’t fall anyway, the Judges must give their decision regardless of blackmail and intimidation, convinced that they can justify their judgement”. In this regard, it is apposite to note that people should be wary of imputing extraneous issues into the cases.

For instance, Abubarkar Atiku, who derives pleasure in global tripping, wanted the court to seek documents on President Tinubu from the Chicago State University but was never pleaded before the Tribunal.

A PDP Chieftain, Chief Olabode George also noted that the judiciary is seemingly eroding the rights of the people to determine poll winners, noting that “our electoral process is shambolic and nonsensical”. He avers that rather than courts’ declaration of a winner, the best democratic option is for gladiators to go back for reruns when there are glaring infractions of the electoral processes.

Senator Shehu Sanni, on the other hand, has a cryptic prognostication on the awaited judgement with his comments that “Pointius (Pontus) Pilate cannot and will not remove Caesar”.

Amidst this barrage, the Department of State Security Services, DSS has issued a public alert that there are plans by some unscrupulous, partisan agent provocateurs to use the Judgement of the Presidential Elections Tribunal as a cover up to unleash mayhem on the country. This is a rather very heavy and serious warnings which the public, security agencies, and well-meaning Nigerians must take all the sober considerations it deserves.

The nation’s economy is presently at the peak of its vulnerability, fragile and ailing, our democratic voyage is still taking faltering, toddlers’ steps, we must all be concerned that the polity is not unnecessarily heated up, while we avoid unmitigated chaotic disruptions.

Electronics, prints, and social media have onerous responsibilities for balance, fair and strictly, ethical, and professional coverage. The media can not succumb to emotional, inflammatory reports as the judgements are delivered.

As a vibrant, civil trenches stakeholders, we of the National Observatory strongly advice Nigerians to be wary any jubilations, mass protestations of the Presidential polls judgement so as not to become inadvertent tools of forces keen at destabilizing our peaceful society. We are confident that the nation is on the right track to reclaim lost glory and positioning for greater heights.

For National Observatory

Signed Debo Adeniran Omotaje Olawale Saint

President Administrative Secretary

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