Holiday & VacationNews

Hajj 2024: Beware Of Excessive Luggage, Kebbi Warns Pilgrims

From Ayodele Ajoge, Birnin-Kebbi

The Executive Chairman, Kebbi State Pilgrims Welfare Board, Alhaji Faruku Aliyu-Enabo, has warned Kebbi State pilgrims against carrying excessive luggage above the stipulated 40Kg.

Enabo stated this in Makkah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia while handing over Sallah package (Goron Sallah) to Local Government Hajj Guides donated to pilgrims of each  LGA by their stakeholders.

In a press statement made availabke to newsmen in Birnin-Kebbi by the Chief Press Secretary to the State Governor, Ahmed Idris from Makka quoted the  Executive chairman as speaking from experience where pilgrims used to abandoned some valuable items bought due to excess luggages.

Addressing journalists on preparation of the board towards airlift of pilgrims back to Nigeria, the Chairman said the big bag given to pilgrims was expected to carry 32Kg while the hand (small) bag would contain only eight Kg making 40Kg all together.

“Therefore, we are appealing to pilgrims to ensure compliance with the standing rules by not exceeding the luggage limit of 32kg and 8kg for big and hand bags respectively.

“I have instructed all the LG Guides to make sure that they lead their pilgrims in the process of weighing their luggages, it is a duty upon them to stand for their pilgrims,” he said.

The Executive Chairman who appreciated God Almighty for the opportunity given to the state to be the first to land in Saudi Arabia for 2024 Hajj, said: “God has blessed Kebbi to be the first flight to Saudi Arabia and we are happy that Kebbi will be the first state to go back home after the Hajj rituals.

“First plane In Sha Allah will leave Saudi Arabia Friday night to arrive Nigeria Saturday morning. In view of this, we want use this medium to appreciate the gigantic efforts of His Excellency, Gov. Nasir Idris as well as other stakeholders which culminated into a huge success.”

On Sallah package donated to each pilgrim by stakeholders of their respective LGAs, the Chairman said: “All promises made by stakeholders from different LGAs are here by fulfilled and I have handed over the money to each Hajj Guide for onward distribution to pilgrims.

“We have instructed all the Hajj Guides in the 21 LGAs to make sure that what is due to each pilgrim is conveyed to him/her today.”

Similarly, the chairman said, pilgrims that were under Kebbi Government Officials (KGO), “the Director together with the KGO Guide will sort out their numbers for them to also enjoy the dividends by tomorrow In Sha Allah.”

 Speaking to one of the Hajj Guides from Jega local government, Alhaji Sani Hali-Jega (Malam Arzika) confirmed that the money had been handed over to them by the chairman of the board for onward disbursement to pilgrims.

 Malam Arzika said the money was donated to pilgrims by stakeholders of each LG to include; Commissioners, members of State and National Assembly and other prominent politicians of each LG contributed for the well-being of their pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

He said the chairman was highly transparent because he itemised each LG with its officials and how much each official donated to assist his people, adding, “the chairman also calculated how much each pilgrim will collect, depending on how much his/her stakeholders contributed. 

“This is a new development, we have never witnessed this kind of excellent arrangement before, this will go a long way in assisting the pilgrims.”  He confirmed.

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