
Planned Protest: Let’s Work Together To Keep Nigeria Afloat, NCPC Secretary Appeals To Youths

Dear Fellow Nigerians,

I understand the frustration and anger that many of us feel about the current state of our nation.

But the hikes in fuel prices, high dollar exchange rate, and the increasing cost of living have caused significant hardship for many of us.

However, I want to urge us to consider the effort of our President, who has been working tirelessly to address these challenges. Despite the difficulties, he has been sharing palliatives across the states to alleviate suffering.

In this turmoil, You’re implored to refrain from participating in the planned nationwide protest and scrutinize the process and the consequences of resorting to violent protest.

While I understand the desire to express our grievances, I fear that such actions may lead to further instability, damage to properties, and even loss of life.*Instead I encourage us to explore alternative channels for expressing your concerns.

Let us work together to find solutions that will benefit our nation as a whole. Remember, Nigeria is like a ship in a storm. We must work together to keep it afloat, rather than risking it being dashed on the rocks of unrest and chaos.

Let us continue to pray for our dear nation, Nigeria and its leaders, especially Mr. President, for wisdom and guidance in these challenging times.

Let us choose the path of peace, patience and perseverance, and work together to build a better Nigeria.

May God continue to bless Nigeria and guide us towards a brighter future for us all.

Thank you all and God bless.



Executive Secretary,

Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission

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