
US And World Tension, By Tola Adeniyi

There is too much tension in the world: too much bloodletting and too much pain and suffering. The innocent are being killed in their hundreds of thousands while the world shrugs its shoulders unconcerned and moves on. The world has never been closer to the precipice than it is now in the present clime.

The United States of America is neck-deep in a political and ‘religious’ philosophy that is astounding and astonishing, and equally peculiarly hers. The United States holds a world view that places her above and all other nations of the world, and she is very catholic in her abhorrence of global competition and opposition. Any country or group of people or even an individual that refuses to worship at the feet of the goddess of the US must be marked down for destruction and annihilation.

Unfortunately the rest of the world had been cowed down to accept, even if grudgingly, the ‘unquestionable’ supremacy of the US and her messianic dominance and domination of the world. The US is NOT America. The US is just a country, [smaller in size than Russia and Canada] in the American continent as Canada and Brazil are. This point should always be made to cut the US to size and damn her continued appropriation of the name of a continent to herself!

The only people left on planet earth who dare to challenge the US’s claim to being god are the Arabs who are very conscious and proud of their ancient and unparalleled civilisation and their religiously held world view that is rooted in equality before the Creator and rejection of any human force as god. The Arabs are quick to remember that the very ancient civilisations of Sumeria, Mesopotamia, and Babylon, three names for the same geographical area were in today’s Arab land of Iraq.

Incidentally, and simply, incidentally, these Arabs are in the main, Muslims. They embrace a religious faith that is unapologetically opposed to injustice, oppression, suppression, and man’s inhumanity to man.

The World has never been at war with itself as we have now and for some twenty-five years, between 1965 and 1990 before the contrived collapse of the super-powerful United Socialist Soviet Republics, the World had and enjoyed relative peace when there was balance of power.

But since the instigated dissolution of the USSR, the United States has come to see itself as the only keeper of the balance of terror. And it has wielded that monopoly of terror without fear or regard to the rest of mankind and with a reckless ferocity that is akin to the lion’s kingdom.

One other major factor for this unabated tension is the crass injustice that has dominated world politics and the undisguised bias in the foreign policy orientation of the United States. A good example is the unhidden claim of Israel to the possession of weapons of mass destruction and the megalomaniac drive of the US to deny that right to other countries. Why should the US, Russia, China, North Korea, India, Pakistan and France and Israel have atomic bombs and a section of the world would vow to prevent others of developing their own arsenal for their territorial defence and protection?

The Military-Industrial Complex controls more than 60% of the wealth of the world. And it does not care a hoot if the world ends up in flames or smithereens for as long as its huge pockets continue to accumulate dollars from their creation of the weapons of mass destruction.

It stands logic on its head for a country which is the bastion of the creation of lethal weapons that are currently eating up the world to also be the champions killing off farmers who are producing cocaine and cannabis, another agent of human destruction. It is like kettle ridiculing pot on the basis of blackness! Arms and ammunitions have claimed one million more lives and caused a trillion more physical damages than the combination of cocaine and cannabis have ever done.

The US must rethink her foreign policies and her arrogant attitude to the rest of the world if the World must ever have peace and harmony.

The United States should be reminded that no Civilisation or World Power lives or lasts for ever. The afore-mentioned Sumerian-Mesopotamian-Babylonian Civilisation and Power fell. The great Egyptian civilisation and power that even enslaved the Hebrews for 400 years fell. The Greek Civilisation and Power fell. The great Carthaginian Power and Military Prowess under Amilca Bacar and Hannibal, the greatest military tactician known to history collapsed. The Roman Civilisation and Power with all its pomp and pageantry became history. The Chinese dynasties fell. And so did the great British Empire that controlled over a half of the World rotted away.

The US is bound to bow to history, but she is so afraid of falling alone that she stupidly but callously believes that she must pull down the whole World and destroy everything on the surface of the earth by her imminent end as a ‘Super-Power’.

It must be made clear that this writer recognises and continues to appreciate the humanity of the ordinary US citizen, the common man found in the streets of New York and Alaska. From time to time whenever the US governments lose their heads and direction as they always do, the US citizens troop out in their millions to register opposition and disapproval. They demonstrated massively against the pursuit of senseless war in Vietnam, they demonstrated against the reckless war in Korea, they demonstrated massively against the wicked and brutal war of massacre and occupation in Iraq; they were almost up in arms against the genocide in Afghanistan and even internally they always demonstrate on the side of truth and justice.

It is the Legislators hugely corrupted by money-bag lobbyists and Military-Industrial Complex and the successive governments that have been the bane of the US and greatest threat to the world peace.

It should also be made clear that there was no suicide bombing anywhere in Arab land before 1948 when the state of Israel was created. Islam had been in the world circa 571-632 AD. And the suicide bombers who blew up Indian Prime Ministers, Indra Ghandi and Rajiv Ghandi, were not Muslims!

Israel has an undeniable right to exist and live peacefully, so too are the Palestinians and all peoples of the earth. It is unthinkable to imagine that the Jews who suffered unmitigated humiliation, trauma and holocaust in the hands of Nazi Germany should be the same people that would allow some other human-beings to be stateless and camp dwellers for 65 years on the soil they both lay claim to! It is an irony of huge magnitude.

All men and women of conscience throughout the world regardless of political, racial, ethnic, religious and the skin colour [a most ridiculous consideration] must come together to prevail on the United States and her so-called puppets [allies] to save the World from imminent perdition.

The US must be told in most unambiguous terms that Middle-Eastern Euro-American God did not intend that the humankind should speak one language, embrace one culture, and believe in one faith or dogma. The World will never have one government, or one system of government. Every society should be free unchallenged to run their lives, their government the way they thought best suitable for their lives and their peculiar culture. The US must mind her own business and let the rest of the world be.

The needed and most urgent International Conference should not be about Trade, or Finance, or Global Warming or Cyber Wars, but about how global Peace can be created, nurtured and sustained so that the super rich can enjoy his wealth and the super poor can at least live in peace [and hope] to breathe the air given to Mankind by Olodumare without charging a farthing!

Chief Adetola Adeniyi, former Chairman/Managing Director of Daily Times of Nigeria PLC and a populist politics strategist, is a world citizen

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