
My Beautiful  Encounter With China, By Augustine Wereuche Praise

Zhejiang  University of Science and Technology 

Getting a Bachelor’s degree from abroad has always been a childhood dream I have always had. Following my graduation from high school, I knew there was nothing else I  wanted morethan to move abroad for study. I wanted to see what theother side of the world was like, have the experience ofwhat is like studying in a  totally different country. Many of my friends were pursuing this opportunity, and it was a popular choice among my peers. I was interested in experiencing what it would be like to live in a country with a different culture and environment. 

 China as a study destination came afterwards. Selecting China as a studydestination was not a decision that was made lightly. My parents were unable to comprehend my rationale for considering China as a study destination. They provided various reasons why I should not even apply, but I had already made my decision. I understood that my parents were looking out for me.

Upon receiving the notification of my visa application success,I was the only one happy, I knew it has gotten realthat I would soon embark on my journey to China. However, I was still uncertain about whether I wanted to continue with this plan.

On the day of my arrival in China, on stepping out of the plane, I could not believe the sight, everything looked beautiful and well organized, this was   beyond what I expected, it was like a whole new world to me.I have never seen such a country well organized, busy and yet in a propercoordination, the lights made everywhere look so bright and beautiful. The customs officials who greeted us were highly professional and courteous. I was surprised at the level of advancement I observed, with technology  fully integrated into the operations. China’s progress and sophistication exceeded my imagination. It all seemed tome like a synergy of concert music all playing in harmony. There was no missing link.

 As anticipated, moving to a new country comes with a lot of challenges, dealing with all of this challenge was somehow hassle free for me. From locating my university, to opening a bank account, changing my visa and doing my medicals, all of this  didn’t prove difficult.

A system was already in place to meet every need, and all personnel performed their duties in a timely and efficient manner. There were so many apps available, offering a convenient solution for daily needs as a foreigner. Apps for easy navigation, food takeouts, medicals and public serviceswere readily accessible with a simple swipe on your phone.

Most young people could understand and speak English including public officials. There are English translation in almost all public offices including metro stations, the metro subways staffs were always happy to help just in  case you miss your way (often happens) and of course my Baidu translator  came in handy. The picture below was taken when I went to open a bank account, The staffs were sonice and excited, politely requesting a picture.

The university where I am currently enrolled is situated in the city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. It is a city with a rich history and a legacy of technological advancement. One of the unique things I noticed about this city was how advanced and nicely planned it was.

Notable features include zero-emission buses, well-maintained metro stations, electric vehicles, efficient lightings and strict traffic regulations. Being a student here, my biggest goal has been making a great impact on  my academics, one thing I quickly noticed was how seriously the Chinese students took their studies, and I quickly began to understand why China is a fast-developing country.

Aside from this every student was encouraged to  join extracurricular activities. The picture below shows one of the cultural    events for international students,

I was the representative for my country, and I made a lot of friends and shared my country with them. Communicating with them was never difficult as they also were made to learn English from middle school. Everyone was so welcoming and ready to help. We shared some sort of happiness. Chinese people could be very shy at first but when they get comfortable, they could end up being the best people you have ever met.In a few months, it will be one year since I moved to this unique country, I   have visited several locations, made friends both Chinese friends and foreigners  like me.

While my experiences have  not been entirely positive,  I can assure you that it has been a highly informative and rewarding journey. I have adapted to the local culture and business environment. It only took  a few months for me to learn a few key words in Chinese. I had quickly moved from the very little ‘’Ni hao’’ to making basic conversations in Chinese, all thanks to the Chinese curriculum.

Every foreign student is expected to offer the Chinese language class although at some point I found this to be a significant inconvenience. But I quickly began to understand the importance, it made it easier for me to integrate into the society.

Here is my Chinese language teacher who is a very nice and patient person.I have attended events and competed alongside Chinese students and I can assure you that they are highly skilled and driven by clear goals . I have made lots of friends since my arrival here, tasted the famous Chinese tea, visited the famous West Lake.

 Furthermore, if you have any concerns regarding security, please be reassured that China has a full-scale surveillance system in place. I have never had to worry taking a walk late at night. I would say that Chinese people, are special kind of people that you get to discover who they are. They are loving warm and super helpful when they are comfortable. The pictures below were all taken at late hours of the night.

I love China. In my view, it is a hidden gem in the world, not easily accessible. I have had the opportunity to experience the country’s beauty,  its wonder, and its welcoming   and accommodating nature. So far for me, China is my wonderland, a place I have come to love, and meet amazing people. It is a place bustling with full energy and opportunities for everyone. Take a trip to China, you would love it.

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