Stop Press! Young Doctor Shot By Bandits In Katsina Not Dead
For those of you rushing to post that the young doctor shot by bandits in a hospital in Katsina was dead, I wonder what you wanted to gain by spreading the rumours even when it was not confirmed.
For the avoidance of doubt, read this:This is the young medical doctor that was shot by bandits.
He survived the shots, currently recuperating while many have falsely killed him on social media.
Even when I corrected someone in a WhatsApp platform on the fake news he shared, the man retorted that “is it your own I will believe when I’ve seen the news trending all over social media?” As if trending is one of the parameters of factual news…
Well, I think fake news is nagging because it is a made believe news, fake news appeals to our darkest innermost desires.
In this case, many wanted the young professional dead in order to make his death a trending topic, despite the fact that he isn’t dead.