Understanding ‘Ibinabo’ By Rex Lawson
By Bimbo Esho
Cardinal Rex Jim Lawson died 53 years ago at the age of 33.
He was not only a master trumpeter the depth of philosophical messages he churned out in his songs at a young age generated a lot of attention in his playing days.
The song IBINABO thou very popular hasn’t been given a proper definition.
The over 50 years song was used by Rex Lawson to express different things that happens in the village. Ŕex Lawson a Kalabari man had strong affiliation with the riverine area.

In this song Rex Lawson describes how the rivers flows into the city bringing with it fish, crabs, and other aquatic animals that people pick up.
In this song he describes the joy and happiness that radiates on the people’s face because of what they see as bountiful blessings from God.
Ŕex creative ingenuity as displayed in the use of the name IBINABO which means ” Comes with good things or good fortunes ( wealth, riches and good health) need to be applauded.
The MFM Band refreshes our memory again as the singer tweaks into the song by saying OH LIVING WATER BRING GOOD THINGS TO MY LIFE
Bimbo Esho