
2023: Is Atiku Jinxed? By Victor Oriola

The presidential candidate of the People’s Democratic Party, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar seems to be on a slippery ground towards another electoral misfortune.

About 30 years ago, Atiku began a journey towards Aso Rock Villa. Then, he was about 45 years.

The youthful Atiku slugged it out with the eventual winner, Chief MKO Abiola and Ambassador Babagana Kingibe. At the Jos convention of the defunct Social Democratic Party, everything was dramatic.

After the first ballot and there was a tie, he was asked to step down for Chief Abiola with the understanding that he will be his running mate.

Chief Abiola later dumped him for Kingibe when the SDP governors led by Ambassador Dele Olumilua said it’s either Abiola pick Kingibe or nothing.

It’s also noteworthy that Atiku has contested thrice with late Bala Takaya of blessed memory for the governorship ticket of his home state-Adamawa to no avail.

In 1999, luck, however smiled on him. He won the governorship ticket and went ahead to win the election before Chief Olusegun Obasanjo drafted him to be his deputy. The chummy chummy relationship only lasted for four years and Atiku became a pariah in PDP.

The hostility was so much between him and Chief Obasanjo that they opened the pandora box and all hell was let loose. And since then, Atiku has contested on the platform of ACN, PDP, and even fought for the nomination on the platform of the ruling All Progressives Congress to no avail.

Is Atiku jinxed? Veteran journalist, Eric Teniola In his autobiography titled, “On The Spot” hinted that Atiku’s time has passed. In the book, it was well documented why Atiku resigned from the Customs at the prophetic declaration of Otunba Oyewale Fasawe’s mother, Mrs Lydia Ijamolayemi.

Teniola in the book narrated that Fasawe’s mother, a white garment prophetess was so gifted that all her predictions cum prophetic declarations came to pass with accurate precision.

By Fasawe’s mother, Atiku ought to have been president of Nigeria sometimes around 2003 and since he missed the timing, everything seems to be working against him. On page 435 of the book sub titled, “The prophecy of Fasawe’s mum On Atiku”, he ought to be president when he was between 52 and 55, now Atiku is 75.

Even in 2019, when Obasanjo who wrote a stinker about him in his famous book ‘ My Watch’ decided to support him, he failed to defeat President Muhammadu Buhari who was perceived as not performing then.

Now, when the coast appears to be clearer, he has engaged Rivers state Governor, Nyesome Wike in a needless hooplas. Even Obasanjo has turned against him again. Most of those who worked for him in 2019 and now working against him.

Is Atiku jinxed? Days ahead will confirm if he has indeed missed the timing of Fasawe’s mother’s prophecy.

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