
Otegbeye: Better Condition awaits the Ill-treated Workers and Unemployed when ADC takes over Ogun State

The Ogun State governorship Candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), Barrister Biyi Otegbeye (BOT), has noted that the administration of Prince Dapo Abiodun is evidently deficient and lacks capacity to add values to the lives of the people. He however added that respite is sure for the people when ADC takes over governance in 2023. This was stated in  a statement by BOT Media Office and made available to NigerianEcho. 

“On Saturday, when Ogun State Governor Dapo Abiodun addressed a meeting of the Nigeria Automobile Technicians Association (NATA), he went on the usual rants that have characterised his administration. 

“Rather than accept the evident deficiency of his administration and personality to stay true to the oath to make life better and liveable for the people of Ogun State, he wasted the better part of his speech, passing blame. 

“First, the governor must recognise that the people of Ogun State are too sophisticated for a childish run of blame game. At the end of the diversion and deceit, the governor must try to address the burning issues that remain pertinent to the lives of the people and not his rage to settle scores with his estranged friend and benefactor. 

“We accept and agree that not everyone has the potential to lead. If by accident, those who do not possess the skill, empathy and humanity find themselves in positions of power, good conscience dictates that such individuals should either listen to sound advice from people with human feelings and qualities to act right or leave the position and allow those with the right character to lead rather than punish the people of Ogun State for their inadequacies” the statement noted. 

Otegbeye further  stated that we live in a time when shylocks and profiteers who would rather sell state assets and lands to cronies and pocket the profits have taken over the helm of affairs.

“Our state has been held captive by a despot who does not pay workers salaries regularly. Instead, he pursues his own selfish economic interests which are at variance with the larger interests of our state. 

“The hardship and cruelty the people of border towns have been subjected to shouldn’t be wished for anyone. The neglect and inhumane treatment, while funds budgeted for their roads are released, misused, reallocated and misused again are ungodly and unforgivable. 

“But respite will come to Ogun State sooner than could be anticipated. In five months, Ogun State will experience a breadth of fresh air as hope is on the horizon when the African Democratic Congress (ADC) and Barrister Biyi Otegbeye take over as the Governor of Ogun State.

“To the downtrodden, unemployed, ill-treated workers and neglected residents beyond religious beliefs, we pray for strength for them to weather this storm before the light comes”, the statement concluded. 

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